Marintech S.r.l. is also project and design of integrated automation systems, marine electrical plants and marine electrical switchboards, internal communication systems, cargo control systems for ships transporting dangerous products, as well as ofauxiliary equipment and plants.
Marintech’s Project works are carried out complying Major Shipbuilding Classification Registers rules like:
Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR)
Bureau Veritas (BV)
Registro Navale Italiano (RINA)
Det NorsKe Veritas (DNV)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
and many others
It takes into accountthe several Resolutions that have been applied to the shipbuilding rules time by time , like Colreg, IMO resolutions, U.S. Coast Guard amendments and other specific requirement included in the building technical specifications and scope of supply
From the strictly technical point of view, reference is made to IEC rules and National and European rules regarding the safety of personnel, workers and passengers.
Particular care in reading and interpreting the technical specifications is made to define the scope of supply and the necessary interface of the Builder requirements with the equipment provided by subcontractors.
Project are built-up in detail in order to be considered executable and are continuously monitored both along the stage of approval from the Shipowner, the Shipyard and the Classification Registers and the installation, tests at the Shipyard and seatrials as well.
During equipment and plants installation provided by the project, Marintech gives the necessary assistance to the installers in order to allow a correct and complying performance.
At Ship delivery to the end user, Marintech releases all the ‘As built ‘ documentation in the required formats.
Marintech Srl - P.Iva e C.F. 02152080426 • via Flaminia 410 - 60015 Falconara M. (AN)
tel. +39 071 9174738 • fax +39 071 9164870 • mobile +39 3356913559 • e-mail: